Colorful Art - Jasmyn Cheng Art

Colorful Art

Colorful Abstract Art: Evoking Memories and Emotions

What do you like about colorful art?

Do you feel that colorful abstract art can evoke a memory and/or emotion?

What is colorful art for you? Is it anything but white or black, or really bold leaning towards the primary colors?

I have been reflecting on this topic, I've been reflecting on it because my husband and I vary a lot in what kind of art we appreciate, but also the palette and hues of the art. While my husband tends to lean towards Bauhaus style art, I tend to lean more towards colorfield art. 

One thing is certain, according to a study done in 2022, looking at art, even online can be beneficial for our brain and enhance our mood. Another study concluded that a visit to a museum enhances the psychological well-being of visitors.

Besides the studies, have you ever noticed how certain memories bring a flood of emotions and colors to mind? If you think back to a nice sunny day, does that feel yellow, orange, pink, hopeful and happy? Or if you think back to a great day hanging out with friends, and the connection you feel, might seem deep red, purple, magenta? That's the magic of colorful abstract art – it captures these feelings in ways that words sometimes can't. Blue can be calm yet energetic, green is soothing, and a black is bold, and a bit moody.

Colorful art isn't just beautiful to look at; it can totally transform your home. It makes a statement, draws the eye, and brings a powerful mood to any room. For me, creating colorful art is like a meditation. I zoom in on a memory and the associated feelings and emotions, and colors just magically seem to come together. I get lost in the colors, excited by the combinations, painting in circles with brushes or sponges. When I go bigger with my strokes, it’s like I'm mapping out a meandering river.

My palette loves greens and dark grey-blues, like "Petrichor" a work on paper I did back in January of 2024.

Petrichor | Works on paper | A5 - Paper - Jasmyn Cheng Art

Sometimes I can't resist a sidestep into bold reds, magentas, and vibrant oranges.

Such as "When she told me I love you"

When she told me "I love you" - Jasmyn Cheng Art


These colors are not just choices but reflections of the emotions I channel into my work.

So how do you incorporate colorful art into your living space?

Bringing colorful abstract art into your home can really jazz up the space. Here are a few tips on how you can make it work:

1. Pick a Focal Point: Choose a spot in your room that naturally draws attention in the room– like above the bed, behind the couch, a black wall, or even your hallway - how do you want to be greeted?

2. Blend with Your Color Scheme: While abstract art is pretty versatile, it’s good to think about your room’s existing colors. Find artwork that complements or even contrasts your decor for a balanced or bold look.

3. Play with Size: Don’t be shy about going big! Large canvases can make a dramatic impact and become the heart of the room. Smaller pieces can also shine when grouped together in a gallery wall style.

My sizes go from 18cm to 80cm (so far!)

4. Mix It Up: Combine abstract art with other styles and mediums. This adds depth and makes your decor uniquely you.

5. Light It Right: Good lighting can make your art pop. If the work has been varnished with a gloss varnish it will reflect direct sunlight. I typically use matt or satin varnish to avoid the sunlight glare. 

Adding colorful abstract art to your home isn’t just about aesthetics – it’s about bringing in a burst of energy and emotion. The art you choose should reflect you as a person, the past, the present and the future ;)

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